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János Györgyey
Hungarian Research Network - Biological Research Centre, Szeged
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Zsuzsanna Kolbert
Vice President
University of Szeged
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Jolán Csiszár
Secretary General
University of Szeged
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Gyula Czégény
Board Member
University of Pécs
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Ferenc Fodor
Board Member
Eötvös Lóránd University
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Tibor Janda
Board Member
Hungarian Research Network - ATK - Centre for Agricultural Research
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Csaba Máthé
Board Member
University of Debrecen
Our members are from the following Research Institutes and Universities: |
Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science, Institute of Biology, Budapest |
Eszterházy Károly Catholic University, Faculty of Science, Institute of Biology, Eger |
HUN-REN, Biological Research Centre, Institute of Plant Biology, Szeged |
HUN-REN, Centre for Agricultural Research, Agricultural Institute, Martonvásár |
HUN-REN, Centre for Agricultural Research, Plant Protection Institute, Budapest |
MATE (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences), Institute of Agronomy, Gyöngyös and Kaposvár |
MATE (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences), Institute of Plant Protection, Gödöllő |
Mertcontrol-HL-Lab Ltd, Debrecen |
Széchenyi István University, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences |
University of Debrecen, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management (FAFSEM), Centre for Agricultural Genomics and Biotechnology, Nyíregyháza |
University of Debrecen, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management, Institute of Crop Science, Dept. of Applied Plant Biology, Debrecen |
University of Debrecen, Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Biology and Ecology, Debrecen |
University of Pécs, Faculty of Science, Institute of Biology |
University of Pécs, Research Institute for Viticulture and Enology |
University of Szeged, Faculty of Agriculture, Hódmezővásárhely |
University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and Informatics, Institute of Biology |
Awardees of the Scientia Amabilis Foundation
Gábor Farkas Commemorative Medal
Year | Name |
2024 | Balázs Barna and Gábor Galiba |
2021 | Béla Böddi and Imre Vass |
2017 | Ilona Mészáros and Irma Tari |
2014 | Győző Garab |
2011 | György Borbély |
2009 | Zoltán Tuba |
2008 | Endre Lehoczki |
2005 | Zoltán Szigeti |
2003 | János Suba |
2002 | László Erdei |
2001 | Ferenc Zsoldos |
2000 | Edit Cseh, Gábor Horváth, Hartmut K. Lichtenthaler and Matilde Barón |
1999 | Ferenc Láng |
1998 | Dénes Dudits |
1997 | Zoltán Király |
1997 | Mihály Maróti |
Young Scientist of the year Award (from 2000)
Year | Name |
2023 | Zalán Czékus and Parveen Akhtar |
2021 | Csongor Freytag |
2020 | Nóra Bákonyi |
2019 | Orsolya Dobos |
André Vidal Meireles | |
2018 | Valéria Nagy |
shared by Anikó Mátai and Árpád Molnár | |
2017 | Kristóf Csepregi |
2016 | Levente Kontra |
shared by Kinga Orsolya Gondor and Valéria Nagy | |
2015 | Edit Horváth |
2014 | Katalin Nemes |
2013 | Csaba Lantos |
2012 | Zsuzsanna Kolbert |
Péter Poór | |
2011 | Júlia Halász |
Ádám Solti | |
2010 | Petra Majer |
Vilmos Soós | |
2008 | Borbála Harrach |
Mária Oszvald | |
2007 | Péter Gyula |
2006 | László Gáspár |
2005 | Krisztina Ötvös |
2004 | András Szarka |
2003 | Edit Ábrahám |
shared by Ferenc Bakos and Ágnes Farkas | |
2002 | László Gerencsér |
Attila Molnár | |
2001 | Nándor Bucherna |
Attila Hegedűs | |
2000 | Ágnes Tantos |
Zoltán Takács |